Aurora’s Design Academy
Aurora Temple of Learning


Our Library (gyana mandir) is a treasure trove of information on architecture, urban planning, personality development, communication skills, and allied technical disciplines. Books apart, the library boasts of a huge collection of national and international journals, popular and technical magazines on higher education. The E library section is equipped with computers with high speed network connectivity. The Library software New Gen Lib and Del Plus are in use for monitoring and tracking system in use. Online International journals like Delnet, JPER, Vernacular Architecture and Planning Theory are subscribed for reference.

Computer Centre

The Computer Centre comprises of high-speed network connectivity enabled computing facilities with analog application ( MS Office, Open Office , etc.), digital software of 2 dimension applications( Auto CAD,Q CAD, etc.) and 3 dimensional applications ( Revit, Sketch up, etc.) for developing two and three dimensional images, maps, and simulation.

Surveying Lab

Our surveying lab offers supplemental experience in fundamental land surveying measurement methods for surveying courses, including precision steel taping methods to perform horizontal measurements, traditional transits and digital theodolites to perform angular measurements, and traditional and automatic levels for elevation measurements. In addition, students have opportunity to use total station equipment, which enables horizontal, vertical, and angular measurements to be made in one operation.

Climatology Lab

The study in Architecture deals with space and its attributes as variables to deal with to make comfortable built environment in urban spaces desirous to society.The climatology lab houses equipments which would enable the student to measure elements of weather, analyse and offer suitable design solutions.

Workshop & Model Making Center

Three dimensional models are integral to the practice of architecture. The workshop and model making centre will train students in the art of model development for use in architectural and planning studio assignments.

Construction Yard

Construction techniques and building material applications shall be tested at the construction yard thus rendering learning among students more enriching and providing conducive environment to work on practical solutions to real-world problems.

Art Court

Art in all forms visualize our culture and reflect our society. The art court is a cozy space under the cool shade a tree where ideas can see free expression. The art court also forms a break-out space for the students.